Nick Money-Kyrle – Founding Partner


Nick began his career in the German private equity business in 1994 and has held investment and management responsibilities with UK and US based global private equity companies and BHF Bank AG. Prior to private equity, Nick worked eight years for KPMG in Edinburgh and Dusseldorf. He moved to Germany in 1989.

Nick is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland. He also holds a degree in Finance and Accounting from Leeds Metropolitan University and the Bremen Business College.

Special Industry Experience: Industrial tech, machine manufacture, medical engineering.


Role at Borromin

Nick founded the business and led the management buy-out of Borromin from BHF-Bank AG in 2001. In addition to strategy he is responsible for transacting and advising portfolio investments, as well as fundraising and investor relations. Furthermore Nick is a member of Borromin's Investment Advisory Committees. He serves as non-executive director of Kempf Fahrzeugbau, Protect Medical and proFagus.



Phone: +49 (0)173 656 72 65